Dick Quote #377

Quote from Dick in Gobble, Gobble, Dick, Dick

[Dick and Harry lean back in their chairs and groan]
Dick: What's the matter with us, Harry?
Harry: I'm gettin' drowsy, and I can't fight it.
Dick: I feel like I'm gonna explode. I'm gonna ex-uh-pul-lode! [unbuttons pants] Stay with me, Harry. I'll save you.
Harry: No! Save yourself!
Dick: Harry! Harry, can you hear me? Harry! [Dick unbuttons Harry's pants] It's Dick! Come back to me! Come back to me, Harry!
Harry: Dick?
Dick: Harry! Talk to me!
Harry: What's for dessert?


 ‘Gobble, Gobble, Dick, Dick’ Quotes

Quote from Dick

Sally: Dick, it's the end of the world!
Dick: Wait, wait. What's going on?
Sally: There's a terrible crisis. We were at the store, and the place was a madhouse. People were cramming everything they could into their carts, especially these giant balls of butter. I got one for each of us.
Tommy: I'm telling you, something is up. The radio said the airports were jammed with people trying to get out of town.
Dick: As a matter of fact, I just saw a report on a turkey ranch, and those birds were talking apocalypse.
Sally: Apocalypse?
Dick: Well, more like "apocalopolis."
Sally: What does this all mean?
Harry: Well, I have a thought-- we're all gonna die!
Dick: All right, let's not panic. Tonight we'll turn off the lights and hunker down in the kitchen. Tomorrow morning I'll make a run to the university and find out what's going on. Police and secure the perimeter!
All: What?
Dick: Lock the doors!

Quote from Mary

Dick: Oh, Mary, I'm so sorry about everything.
Mary: What?
Dick: Oh. The tension, the fighting, the lumpy gravy.
Mary: Yeah.
Dick: You give and you give and you give until you just can't give anymore.
Mary: Mmm. Same thing happens at my house.
Dick: This happens at your house?
Mary: Why should my house be any different than 99% of all the homes in America?
Dick: What about the other one percent?
Mary: Connecticut.

Quote from Sally

Sally: Oh, Dick! We gotta get out of here!
Tommy: It's gotten worse. They've stopped delivering the mail.
Dick: Of course they have.
Sally: Someone's taken over the airwaves. There's a terrifying parade on every channel!