Harry Quote #628

Quote from Harry in InDickscretion

Tommy: See, this is the kind of authentic Americana that you don't find in Rutherford.
Harry: Nope, only if you stand on our toilet and look out our bathroom window.
Tommy: What do you say to a cup of Joe and a hunk of pie?
Harry: I say, "Hello, pie."
Tommy: What am I, with the Rain Man? Where's the money? [Harry retrieves a few coins out of his pocket] I thought we had more money than this.
Harry: Well, I thought I had smaller holes in my pockets, but hey, that's what life on the road is all about. You know? Discovery.
Tommy: So then, what, are we completely tapped out now? No, you know what? This is good. This is good news, Harry. This is how stories are born. Yeah, I feel like Kerouac strolling into Bakersfield, broke, looking to make some walkin' money.
Harry: And I feel like Waldo. At the beach, poking out from behind that cabana.


 ‘InDickscretion’ Quotes

Quote from Harry

Harry: Well, I'm going with ya. Because I, too, have a wanderlust inspired by a different book.
Tommy: You do?
Harry: Indeed. And one day far from here, you and I will point our fingers at that bespectacled man with the sock hat and proudly say, "There's Waldo!"
Tommy: Harry, Waldo's a fictional character.
Harry: Ah, then it will be that much sweeter... when we find him.

Quote from Nina

Mary: Nina, what are you looking for?
Nina: It's Wednesday, and Dr. Solomon get's all bent out of shape if the angry eyes aren't in his Mr. Potato Man.
Mary: You shouldn't have to do things like that for Dick. That's degrading.
Nina: And it's not degrading to go out with him?
Dick: [enters] Nina, it's Wednesday. Where are the angry eyes? [Nina glares at Dick] Oh, there they are.

Quote from Dick

Dick: Hey, hey, how about that movie?
Sally: Oh, I know! That couple had so much passion for each other. That's how my Donny makes me feel when he looks into me eyes.
Don: Aww.
Mary: I dunno, I thought a few of those love scenes were a little gratuitous.
Dick: Mary, I'm surprised you're so prudish. Especially since she's such a hellcat between the sheets.
Mary: Dick!
Dick: No, it's true. What Mary does to my back with her nails is art.
Mary: Oh, stop it.
Dick: "Stop it?" "Stop it?" That's something you'll never hear her say under the sheets.