Harry Quote #423

Quote from Harry in Collect Call for Dick

Tommy: Now, you used to just collect after work, but now you collect as soon as you get up in the morning.
Dick: Well, sure. Just to get the day going.
Sally: Dick, you have spent all of our money on these things, we haven't paid our rent in a month! God, I'm so ashamed. I can't look Dubcek in the face.
Tommy: You came to my school, and all you could think about was where your next Fuzzy Buddy was gonna come from.
Harry: I am embarrassed to bring my friends over.
Dick: Okay, sure, maybe I've been a little excessive.
Mary: More than a little, Dick.
Dick: Yeah, but I can quit whenever I want!
Harry: Can you, Dick?
Tommy: Can you really?
Dick: Sure.
Harry: Face it, man! You're strung out on the Buddies!


 ‘Collect Call for Dick’ Quotes

Quote from Mrs. Dubcek

Sally: Okay. You guys ready?
Mary: He's not going to like this.
Tommy: We've got to confront him. It's for his own good.
Mrs. Dubcek: Now you swear this intervention is not for me? Because I have fallen for that twice.

Quote from Dick

Sally: How could you have gotten so carried away?
Dick: I don't know. Maybe I was just trying to fill some emotional void. Maybe I never really felt loved by my mother.
Tommy: Dick, you never had a mother.
Dick: See? That's a pretty serious void.

Quote from Harry

Harry: [burps] Oh, I'm sorry. Probably the secret Rusty's sauce.
Tommy: That's just ketchup.
Harry: Oh, well, thank you so much for ruining it for me, Tommy.