Granddaddy Clisby Quote #48

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby in Goose Grease

Granddaddy Clisby: I'm, uh, I'm heading home. It's dinner time.
Dean: It's 4:30, Granddad.
Granddaddy Clisby: Damn. It's gonna be cold.
Lillian: Clisby, have you had chicken pox before?
Granddaddy Clisby: I've had everything from the Spanish flu, mustard gas, hoof-and-mouth. You name it, I'm immune to it.


 ‘Goose Grease’ Quotes

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Dean: Where did this come from?
Granddaddy Clisby: I called my goose guy.
Dean: Why do you need a goose?
Granddaddy Clisby: To make goose grease.
Adult Dean: If Granddaddy Clisby thought he was making things clearer, he was wrong.
Bill: Can someone tell me what the heck a pre-wash is? Dad, no.
Granddaddy Clisby: Kept you healthy your whole childhood, son.
Bill: More like it kept me smelling bad and swatting flies my whole childhood.
Dean: Dad, Granddad's about to teach me to make goose grease. You should join us, then it'll be the three generations of Williams men making memories.
Bill: I'm not participating in any of this nonsense.
Granddaddy Clisby: Pay him no attention. You're about to learn the magic of goose grease.

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Dean: What about one of your war stories, Dad?
Bill: Aw.
Granddaddy Clisby: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Tell him about the time that you sliced your finger while cutting a tomato during the Battle of Ham Sandwich. You see, your brother, Bruce, and I fought in combat while your father was banging pots in the safety of the kitchen.
Bill: Well, they say an army marches to battle on its stomach.
Granddaddy Clisby: Well, you got that right. [both laugh]

Quote from Granddaddy Clisby

Lillian: Dean, I can see you've been scratching. I brought you something for the itch. Y'all need to use it.
Granddaddy Clisby: No, ma'am. I'm not taking the White man's medicine.
Bill: Dad, I know you don't trust doctors, but you can't avoid them forever.
Granddaddy Clisby: Watch me.
Bill: See what I'm putting up with over here?