Adult Dean Quote #79

Quote from Adult Dean in I'm With the Band

Adult Dean: A nice-sized crowd showed up for the school's band performance. But it didn't much matter to me. Instead of sitting in that band chair, terrified, I was terrified for another reason. [Bill and Dean screaming on a ride] Turns out, my dad had decided to stop being my teacher and just be my dad. It wasn't until I was a father myself that I learned that sometimes what's best for your kids is for you to step out of the way.


 ‘I'm With the Band’ Quotes

Quote from Kim

Bill: Hold on, hold on. Maybe the boy has a point, Lil. This is their first time playing in front of real people who don't have to clap. Plus, he's got a solo. Boy's got to look sharp! I think I'll take you shirt shopping myself. How about that? I might even pick up one or two shirts, just in case I end up taking this tour.
Dean: Thanks, Dad. I want to look as cool as you.
Kim: Still gonna wear the glasses, though?
Dean: You're just jealous because the saxophone is way cooler than the stupid cello.
Lillian: The cello is not stupid. And, Kim, there's nothing wrong with your brother's glasses.
Bill: That's right. Cut it out, you two.
Both: Yes, sir.
Kim: And I only play the cello because Dad wouldn't let me play the saxophone when I was your age. He said that's how girls get pregnant.

Quote from Lillian

Dean: Mom, since the Fair's coming up and I have a solo in the concert...
Kim: When school lets out early, I'm going with Cassandra and Corynella.
Lillian: Well, don't you have a paper... [Dean clears throat] Forgive us, Dean. Please continue bragging about your solo.
Dean: I was hoping that maybe I could get a new shirt for the concert. Maybe a silk one. I want to look cool.
Lillian: First of all, you know you only get clothes at the beginning of the school year. Second... a silk shirt? Which one of the Pips are you replacing? [laughter]

Quote from Adult Dean

Adult Dean: Wow. Daddy was getting a chance to play on a bigger stage and so was I. The State Fair. It brought with it a half day of school for Fair Day and the best shows and rides you could imagine! One night, I saw a cow give birth and saw Cory throw up through his nose after riding The Enterprise five times. Hmm. Who were the real animals that night?