‘Lads and Ladies and Us’
Season 1, Episode 10 - Aired January 5, 2022
Bill and Lillian try to join a high society club, hoping it will set a good influence for Kim and Dean.
Quote from Lillian
Lillian: Dorothy. [chuckles] Do you mind if I ask you a question? Vivian was telling me about a luncheon, and I hadn't heard anything about it. Is it an official event? Because if so, I'd hate to miss it.
Dorothy: Oh. It's on a weekday and I didn't think you'd be able to attend. I imagine you have so much on your plate with all your numbers and meetings and things.
Lillian: Thank you for your concern, but I would find the time.
Dorothy: Oh, I would never ask you to do that! But a lot of our meetings and get-togethers do happen during the afternoon, and I'd imagine that participating would be difficult for someone with a career.
Lillian: Well, I would find a way to contribute. Just like the other working mothers of Lads and Ladies.
Dorothy: We don't... Haven't had many like you in our chapter.
Lillian: Well, I hope this won't affect your decision on membership. When it comes to doing what's good for my family, I always find a way to work things out.
Dorothy: I'm sure you do your best. We won't decide about membership until after the spring gala. It's at night, so I'm sure you'll be able to make it.
Adult Dean: It would be a few decades before I learned the name for it, but outside that planetarium was the first time I witnessed the phenomenon known as "shade."
Quote from Bill
Bill: If they have issue with you being a working mom, maybe they're not the right group for us. Tell them to kick rocks. You have plenty of friends.
Lillian: This is not about me. It's like we said, it's about this being a good thing for the kids.
Kim: So it is true? We're not getting in? Great. I found this dress and got excited about this gala for nothing.
Lillian: Well, I'm honestly not sure about our chances.
Bill: It'll be their loss, Lil. Those women ain't got nothing on you. A bunch of jealous hens, you ask me.
Quote from Lillian
Dean: Can't you just do what you always tell me to do when people don't like me? Show them why you're special. Ask them about themselves. Tell a joke. I got some good ones you can use.
Lillian: I just hate the idea of you guys missing out because of my choices.
Kim: What?
Bill: The only thing they missed out on is a smaller house and only one car.
Lillian: Dean, I'm sure there are times that you wish I was doing things like volunteering more at your school.
Dean: Yeah, but that was only because when Miss Vivian did it, she would give Cory extra cookies and he'd get to go home early.
Lillian: Well, Kim, Lord knows I miss the times when I wasn't working as much and we did everything together.
Kim: Well, that wasn't your fault.
Dean: We don't want you to quit your job, mama.
Lillian: Oh, I'm not quitting. We are going to that spring gala, and we're gonna do what we always do. Be who we are and hope for the best.
Quote from Adult Dean
Dorothy: And next we have miss Kimberly Lanette Williams. Kim is a junior at... [people gasp]
Adult Dean: While everyone else wore their formal gowns, Kim busted out one of mama's business suits and strutted her stuff like when they played dress-up back in the day. She made a real statement that night. At first, we didn't know how to react, but the look on mom's face made everything we'd gone through worthwhile. [light applause] Unfortunately, Nelson also wanted to make a statement. He copied my stink bomb formula. [people coughing] But I felt heartened knowing that my influence would live on.
Quote from Bill
Kim: Why you wearing a Tuskegee sweater when we're going to visit Howard?
Lillian: Howard is not the only school around. Besides, Tuskegee's on the way.
Kim: Fine. But I'm driving.
Lillian: [scoffs] No! But you can pick the music, though. [they drive off]
Dean: They're gonna have a good time?
Bill: Yes, they will. With just a little bit of bloodshed.