Kevin Quote #168

Quote from Kevin in The Seminar

Andy: Welcome everybody. Awesome to see you guys. My name is Andy Bernard but you can call me The Nard Dog.
Older Woman: Hi Nard Dog. I'm Lu Peachem.
Andy: Let's get things started, shall we? You guys ready to hear from the Dunder Mifflin business experts? Good. Well, as you can see on your program... first up is a speech called, "Don't Just Dream it, do it." Yes! Please give a big hand to Mr. Kevin Malone.
[Kevin plays Ozzy Osboure's Crazy Train and then starts taking laps around the room]
[aside to camera:]
Kevin: There are some people who have charm and some people who don't. Guess which type I am. Charm type.


 ‘The Seminar’ Quotes

Quote from Erin

Erin: I'm playing Scrabble with Gabe, and I've never won a game.
[aside to camera:]
Erin: The winner gets to pick the movie we watch. I have won no games. So far I've seen "The Shining", "Rosemary's Baby", "The Ring". Not really my thing. Although, I... I do like the early parts of the movies where they have a perfect family and everything.

Quote from Erin

Oscar: Why did you play "moo"?
Erin: Because I'm playing to win. I'm playing "moo", I'm playing "milk". Whatever it takes.
Oscar: Okay, but look, you could have hit "mood". Would have played a triple word.
Erin: Like the cow "mood" yesterday. God.
Oscar: Or moon.
Erin: The cow jumped over the moon.
Oscar: She's stuck on that one thing.
Pam: You know, it doesn't have to just be cow stuff, right?

Quote from Creed

Andy: Ladies and gentlemen, our special guest speaker will provoke you. He will inspire you. He is... Creed Bratton. [applause]
Creed: Two eyes, two ears, a chin, a mouth, ten fingers, two nipples. A butt, two kneecaps, a penis. I have just described to you the Loch Ness Monster. And the reward for its capture? All the riches in Scotland. So I have one question: Why are you here?