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The Bee

‘The Bee’

Season 1, Episode 16 - Aired March 3, 2010

The Hecks take a road trip when Brick makes it to the regional spelling bee in Chicago. Meanwhile, Mike and Frankie forget about Sue's birthday.

Quote from Mike

Mike: Brick, your ma said something last night. Do you even care about winning this thing?
Brick: [shrugs] I don't know.
Mike: Because, you know, you win, you get a trophy to put on your shelf. I thought you'd think that was really cool.
Brick: Nah. I don't really care about the winning part. I just like to spell.
Frankie: [v.o.] And that's when it finally sunk in for Mike. Brick really didn't care. And that changed everything.
Mike: That's your edge. That's how you're gonna win this thing, by not caring. You're the ice man. You're my "brick" of ice.
Frankie: [v.o.] You see, unlike Brick, Mike really does like the winning part.


Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] I can't say we fell back in love with our car after that trip, but Brick was right. It is all about the journey, and not the trophy, which he didn't get, or the postcards, which Sue didn't get. But what we did get were some pretty funny memories. I keep thinking about Axl squished up in that ridiculous cot all night. After all, it's the bad trips that you never forget.
Sue: That was definitely pathetic. But not more pathetic than the world's stupidest stump. Why did I think that'd be fun?

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