Axl Quote #453

Quote from Axl in One Kid at a Time

Frankie: Hey. I've been looking for you guys everywhere. We got the blue team, right?
Mike: Yeah.
Frankie: I was this close to getting one, and then I tripped and shot myself.
Axl: Oh.
Mike: Hey, listen, I've been doing some reconnaissance. The orange team is taking cover behind that jeep over there. We gotta flush 'em out. I'm thinking one of us lays down some suppressive fire, and the other two flank 'em by going over that ridge over there. The only problem is, it leaves all three of us vulnerable.
Axl: [exhales] Ooh. Hey. I know. What about this instead? Mom, you see that white pillar over there? You run to that and draw their attention. That way we can attack from here.
Frankie: I don't know. That looks awfully far away. Won't I be exposed?
Mike: You'll be okay. Just run in a zigzag pattern.
Frankie: Really?
Axl: Well, if you yell, "don't shoot" over and over, nobody'll shoot you.
Frankie: Really?
Mike: Yeah.


 ‘One Kid at a Time’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Brick: It's 10:00 AM. I didn't know whether I should wake you up. I already made myself breakfast and did my push-up. Today is my day, right?
Mike: It is, Brick. Sorry, we're just beat. It's been a long weekend.
Brick: I decided I don't wanna go to the library.
Frankie: Oh, good. Oh. I mean, we don't have to go anywhere to have a special day. We can just watch TV all day.
Brick: You always let me watch TV.
Frankie: Yes, but we'll let you watch it in bed with us.
Brick: No, I still wanna go somewhere. While I was waiting for you guys to wake up, I read in the newspaper that there's a Planet Nowhere convention in Indianapolis today.
Mike: Oh, come on, Brick, no. It's a long drive to Indianapolis.
Brick: Perfect. It'll give me plenty of time to fill you in on the series. See, what a lot of people don't know about the Planet Nowhere series is that it's an allegory. Now, all the tribes...

Quote from Brick

Brick: And so, ironically, for the Vernegos to ultimately triumph over the Silligans, they must first abandon their planet entirely and wander the galaxy for - you guessed it - 11 centuries.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: [v.o.] Since the dawn of time, trying to get anywhere with your kids has been a challenge.
Axl: Oh, my God. Why are you so late? I've been standing out there forever. Look. I got a snotsicle.
Mike: Put your coat on, you moron.
Frankie: Ugh. Brick couldn't find his book. And you can't go to dinner like that.
Axl: I'm gonna change. Relax.
Mike: Don't tell your mom to relax.
Frankie: Brick wants to go to Don's Oriental Food.
Axl: Ugh! No way. No foreign food. I want spaghetti.