Frankie Quote #568

Quote from Frankie in The Bridge

Sue: [o.s.] Ugh! This one is ugly, too! Why didn't you ever tell me I look awful in pink?!
Frankie: Sue, you look beautiful in pink! Just let me see.
Sue: [o.s.] No! Stay out!
Frankie: How am I supposed to help you if you won't even let me see? [looks under the door] What are you talking about?! That suit's adorable on you!
Sue: [o.s.] You're just saying that because you're my mom! You just don't get it!
Frankie: Okay, stop right there. I don't get it? Um, I may not get a lot of things, but I get this. Women all over the world get this. Sorry to break it to you, but trying on swimsuits is a depressing, soul-killing rite of passage for all women. There are even entire comic strips devoted to it. What do you think Cathy has been acking about all these years? I don't even put on a swimsuit without at least two margaritas in me, so you just be happy that you're a cute 14-year-old looking for her first bikini, instead of a woman who's had three kids throwing away a mortgage payment on some miracle suit made with NASA Teflon material that shaves off 10 pounds, when all it really does is push it all out your back, so I get it, Sue. I get it. You hate your body. Well, congratulations. Today you are a woman.
Saleswoman: Knock, knock. How's it going in there? [Sue opens the dressing room door] Oh. That's adorable on you! You look good in pink.
Sue: [o.s.] Really?


 ‘The Bridge’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Frankie: I don't get it, Brick. What are you so afraid of? What do you think is gonna happen?
Brick: We drive onto the bridge, and suddenly there's a terrible cracking sound. The bridge collapses, and the car is thrown into the lake. It fills with water and sinks like a big metal coffin. We struggle to get out, but underwater no one can hear our screams. We all shake with convulsions as the life leaves our bodies. Our bloated corpses go undiscovered for months, but when they're finally dragged out of the lake, they're unrecognizable, because fish have eaten out our eyeballs. [whispers] Eyeballs.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: [v.o.] So maybe I didn't get Sue, but I did get Brick. I pushed him out of my body. I could push him over that bridge.
Frankie: All right. Let's not even think about crossing the bridge right now. Let's just get to know the bridge, and don't worry. We'll go at your pace. You take all the time you need.
[later, Frankie stands in the middle of the bridge while Brick remains on land:]
Frankie: It's been two hours! You are going to cross this bridge right now! Right now!
[later, Frankie sits on the hood of the car as Brick stands next to it:]
Frankie: All the cool kids are doing it. Come on, Brick. Don't you wanna be cool?
[later, Frankie bends down to talk to Brick at eye level:]
Frankie: You know, your dad may not think you can handle this, but I do. You're a big boy. You're practically an adult.
Frankie: What are you, a baby? A wittle, wittle baby?
Frankie: [cries] I'm sorry. I'm a horrible mother!

Quote from Axl

Axl: Guys, seriously, I'm trying to study. This is, like, my entire career. It starts with lifeguard. Then I graduate to beach lifeguard, then Hawaiian tropic judge, then rapper, so if you want a shout-out at the Grammys, keep it down!