Mike Quote #370

Quote from Mike in The Test

Sue: Here, you have it.
Mike: No. Don't give it to him. Here. Brick, you take it from her.
Brick: Why don't we just share it?
Mike: No. No sharing.
Frankie: Good lesson, Mike.
Mike: Shush. I'm doin' something here, okay?
Frankie: [v.o.] And Mike continued "doin' something" every chance he got.
[When Mike sits down on the couch and changes the channel, Brick picks up his book]
Mike: Come on, Brick. Don't let me change the channel. Why is my sports show more important than your... Weird blimp show?


 ‘The Test’ Quotes

Quote from Axl

Frankie: [v.o.] Sometimes you can talk and talk and not get through to your kid. And other times, you plant a seed, and your words take flower.
Frankie: Hey, Axl. Brought you a snack. How's it going in here, huh? You know, I'm really proud of what you're doing.
Axl: Does this look right to you?
Frankie: What is this?
Axl: I'm designing my band's CD cover. Does it look the flames are coming out of my butt? Because they're supposed to be coming out of the ax, but...
Frankie: You fool! You're supposed to be studying for the PSAT! The test is tomorrow!
Axl: I was gonna study for it later. I'm better under pressure.
Frankie: When have you ever been better under pressure?! When?!
Axl: I don't know! I can't think with you yelling at me!

Quote from Brick

Mike: Hey, listen, Brick, I wanted to talk to you about this whole getting-put-in-the-trash thing.
Brick: Oh, don't worry, Dad. It didn't bother me.
Mike: Well, that's the thing, is it should bother you, 'cause Heck men aren't fine with getting put in the trash.
Brick: Oh, the bully might be winning right now, but my time will come. [whispers] Time will come.
Mike: No, your time is now, Brick. You got to stand up to this guy, and let him know that he can't mess with you.
Brick: Actually, I find that most bullies just want to feel heard. They want to feel like they're in control. And eventually, once they think they've won, they'll just walk away.

Quote from Axl

Frankie: Look, I'm not worried about Axl. It's gonna be fine. For all I know, he's been prepping for the test for months. I'm sure he's on top of it.
[cut to:]
Axl: What about me makes you think I'd be on top of it?
Frankie: What about me makes you think I'd be on top of it? You are way behind here, Axl, way behind. All your friends are totally prepared.
Axl: So? You always say if my friends jumped off a bridge, it doesn't mean I should.
Frankie: This is not a bridge situation. This time you should have been doing exactly what your friends were doing.
Axl: It's your fault! You're supposed to nag me about important stuff like this. That's the system I'm used to.
Frankie: Did you know that they've been offering practice tests on Saturday mornings at your school? Nancy Donahue told me they've mentioned it numerous times at your morning announcements.
Axl: I don't listen to the morning announcements. That's my texting time.