Sue Quote #960

Quote from Sue in Role of a Lifetime

Sue: Hey, guys! Mom and Dad's 25th anniversary is this weekend!
Axl: Wow, they're old.
Brick: Mm.
Sue: I know, right? This could be one of their last ones, so we got to make it good.
Brick: Mm, that doesn't sound like us.
Sue: What? No, no, no. We are going all out. The whole shebang. Okay, first things first, someone needs to make a dinner reservation. You know, someplace nice where there's ketchup on the table and not in a packet. [Axl and Brick are silent] All right, I'll take care of that one. Next, one of us needs to get flowers. We don't have a huge budget for this, but they've been madly in love for 25 years and I think the flowers should reflect that. [Axl and Brick remain silent] You know what, I'll do that one, too. Okay, the third thing is the gift. Now, the good mall is already out of business and the bad mall only has, like, three stores open. I have a few thoughts, but I wanted to hear what you guys were thinking before I jump in.
Brick: You should probably just jump in.
Sue: Okay, okay. So, what if we got them...
Axl: We don't need to hear.


 ‘Role of a Lifetime’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Brick: You're not gonna believe this. Today, in the hall between third and fourth period, I saw Cindy... hatless. Hatless! That's not a tic. I'm just repeating it for emphasis. [whispers] Emphasis. Damn it.

Quote from Brick

Brick: You think my role in the family is being nothing? Well... you are correct.
Frankie: Wait, what?
Brick: That's right. I demand nothing. I'm the cactus that grows without the water of attention. I didn't need braces, I have no after-school activities that require your attendance, I don't burden you with worrying about me staying out too late with "friends."
Mike: He's got a point there.
Brick: My role as the unnoticed is perhaps the most important one in the family. Because I ask for nothing, you guys don't have to do anything. You don't have to thank me. I just appreciate you hearing me out.

Quote from Frankie

Brick: Hey, while we're airing dirty laundry, which I'm wearing, by the way, I've worn the same outfit for three weeks.
Frankie: Hey, buzz, buzz! You think you have it bad? I have to be the beacon of hope for this family. I have to make sure everyone's emotional needs are met. And, by the way, if it weren't for me, we wouldn't even have a family to have a family meeting about, 'cause I pushed every single one of you out of my body! [all groan] That's right. I gave you life!
Axl: Yeah, you gave us this life! Not exactly something to brag about. [overlapping bickering]