Sue Quote #961

Quote from Sue in Role of a Lifetime

Sue: Good, you're here. There has been something on my mind, and I really feel like we need to have a family meeting to discuss it. Brick!
Axl: Whoa. Wait, wait, wait. Can she call a family meeting? I thought only you guys could do that.
Sue: Okay, well then, I move to add a motion that the kids can call a family meeting. Anyone second the motion? Fine, I'll second it. I second my own motion.
Brick: What's going on?
Sue: I'm calling a family meeting.
Brick: Can she call a family meeting?
Axl: She seems to think so. She also seems to think she can second her own motions. Nice meeting, Sue. It's already off the rails.


 ‘Role of a Lifetime’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Brick: You're not gonna believe this. Today, in the hall between third and fourth period, I saw Cindy... hatless. Hatless! That's not a tic. I'm just repeating it for emphasis. [whispers] Emphasis. Damn it.

Quote from Brick

Brick: You think my role in the family is being nothing? Well... you are correct.
Frankie: Wait, what?
Brick: That's right. I demand nothing. I'm the cactus that grows without the water of attention. I didn't need braces, I have no after-school activities that require your attendance, I don't burden you with worrying about me staying out too late with "friends."
Mike: He's got a point there.
Brick: My role as the unnoticed is perhaps the most important one in the family. Because I ask for nothing, you guys don't have to do anything. You don't have to thank me. I just appreciate you hearing me out.

Quote from Frankie

Brick: Hey, while we're airing dirty laundry, which I'm wearing, by the way, I've worn the same outfit for three weeks.
Frankie: Hey, buzz, buzz! You think you have it bad? I have to be the beacon of hope for this family. I have to make sure everyone's emotional needs are met. And, by the way, if it weren't for me, we wouldn't even have a family to have a family meeting about, 'cause I pushed every single one of you out of my body! [all groan] That's right. I gave you life!
Axl: Yeah, you gave us this life! Not exactly something to brag about. [overlapping bickering]