Axl Quote #580

Quote from Axl in The Jump

Mike: So, uh, listen. The kids and I were talking. And, uh, we felt like there's something that we wanted to say to you.
Sue: Mom, I am so, so sorry. You mean everything to me, and I never meant to hurt your feelings.
Brick: You know, a lot of moms probably can't jump, and you do lots of stuff better than jump... a-and I will get you those examples at a later date.
Axl: I think the thing to remember here is sometimes people mess up, and maybe they don't tell you they messed up right away, 'cause it might not be the right time, but the important thing is, when they do eventually tell you, it's good to remember that everyone's just finding their way and making mistakes as they go.
Frankie: What? Axl, what does that have to do with-
Axl: I'm just saying if you have love in your heart, forgiveness is a big part of that.
Mike: Hey, look at this. College has been good for this kid.


 ‘The Jump’ Quotes

Quote from Frankie

Mike: I'm sure we'll find someone who will take him.
Frankie: No, we are not getting rid of the only thing in this house that loves me.
Mike: What are you talking about?
Frankie: I'm talking about the fact that Colin Firth actually appreciates me. He listens to what I have to say. When is the last time any of you listened to me, huh? It's just "Mom, we need this," "Mom we need that." "Dad, there's no toilet paper," said no one ever. All you see when you look at me is something to make fun of. "Ha, ha, ha, Mom was born in the pioneer days," "Mom can't jump," "Oh, Mom's wearing her sweatpants backwards." Okay. I'm sorry. I thought the word "Juicy" was supposed to go on the front, okay? And I just laugh along like it's all okay, and it piles up. And it's just chip, chip, chip, and pick, pick, pick, and it takes its toll, people. It takes its toll! Do you want to know why I can't jump? I'll tell you why. 'Cause I have the weight of all your ridicule and disdain piled on my back and dragging me down! That's why I can't jump! So, when you are all laughing and snickering... you remember I am not just some mom punching bag! [sobs] I am a person with feelings, okay? [dog barks]

Quote from Axl

Axl: Okay. Here's the thing, Brick. I screwed up. I screwed up big time. And it's really, really bad. I mean, I thought I was doing okay, but three of my professors told me I had to drop their classes. And if I drop three classes, I'll only have one left and that's Music Appreciation which everyone calls "Clap for Credits," and I'm barely passing that.
Brick: That doesn't make any sense. Clapping is something you're actually good at.
Axl: I blame Mom and Dad. 'Cause I don't know if you know this, but I am completely unsupervised here. No one tells me to go to class. No one tells me to do my homework. No one warns me that wearing your shower shoes in the snow is not a good idea. Last week, I slept for two whole days. Nobody woke me up. I brush my hair with a fork! I always thought if Mom and Dad would just get off my back, I'd be fine. But I need them, Brick. I need them on my back. Don't tell them I said that.
Brick: Can I tell them we saw a girl in her bra?
Axl: Tell them nothing! I'm scared, Brick. I'm really, really scared. All my teachers told me it was impossible for me to pass at this point, but... if you help me study this weekend, I know I can bring my grades up. And I get this is all probably weird. 'Cause usually I'm a billion times more awesome than you, but right now... I really, really, really need your help.
Brick: [sighs] Okay. I'm gonna need a highlighter pen, Goldfish Crackers, and a 44-ounce Slushie - blue. Oh, and clear your schedule. It's gonna be a long night.

Quote from Sue

Sue: Oh, the tryouts were ahh-ahh-ahh-mazing! You guys won't believe what happened.
Coach Babbit: Ready? Good. Go, go! Okay. Heck!
Sue: Yeah.
Coach Babbit: We'll give you a bump, set, then you come in from the outside and hit. Got it?
Sue: Got it!
[After Sue misses the ball and lands with a thud, she falls through the gym floor]
Sue: [o.s.] I'm okay!
Sue: And thank God the janitor break room's down there because that old couch really broke my fall. Anyway, they must have been super impressed with how well I bounced back because now they want me on the team! Oh, and they said it was very important that you sign and date all these release forms, waiving your right to any legal recourse or something like that. But Coach said once I bring these papers back I'll be all set. Get it? All set. It's a volleyball word.