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Quote from Axl in The Jump

Mike: So, uh, listen. The kids and I were talking. And, uh, we felt like there's something that we wanted to say to you.
Sue: Mom, I am so, so sorry. You mean everything to me, and I never meant to hurt your feelings.
Brick: You know, a lot of moms probably can't jump, and you do lots of stuff better than jump... a-and I will get you those examples at a later date.
Axl: I think the thing to remember here is sometimes people mess up, and maybe they don't tell you they messed up right away, 'cause it might not be the right time, but the important thing is, when they do eventually tell you, it's good to remember that everyone's just finding their way and making mistakes as they go.
Frankie: What? Axl, what does that have to do with-
Axl: I'm just saying if you have love in your heart, forgiveness is a big part of that.
Mike: Hey, look at this. College has been good for this kid.

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