Brick Quote #361
Frankie: Are you kidding me? Brick, where did you get this?
Brick: Oh, I took it from the Glossners.
Frankie: What?! And the whole time I've been talking about the hose that Rita thinks I stole, you didn't say anything?
Brick: Oh, I thought you were talking about panty hose.
The Middle Quotes
‘The Hose’ Quotes
Quote from Sue
Mike: Hey. So I was just wondering, who exactly decided you couldn't go on this trip?
Sue: I saw your paycheck, okay? [gasps] I am so, so sorry. It was just sitting there on the desk, a-and they didn't lick the sticky part, so it was open, and I looked, and I saw how much you make, and my trip costs too much money. I don't wanna go!
Mike: What? Sue, what are you talking about?
Sue: I know you don't get paid a lot of money. A-and I am a horrible person because I am always asking for stuff, and Mom doesn't have a job, and you work all the time, and our TV has a weird, squiggly line down the middle. But just last week, I had Mom buy me a "Girls Rule the World" pencil case. I am so selfish!
Mike: Sue, you're not selfish. You're a normal kid.
Sue: But I already know girls rule the world. So do I really need to read it on a pencil case? It's like I am just throwing money away!
Quote from Brick
Brick: Well... The nurse made us watch a movie where a boy kept running around a track. It was boring, so Dillon Murray made an inappropriate shadow puppet, and everybody giggled and the nurse yelled at us.
Mike: Yep, sounds about right.
Brick: Then when she put the movie back on, the boy took a cheerleader roller skating and bought her some ice cream. After he got home, he took a long shower, and a doctor told us not to feel bad about our urges. Then the girls came back in and they had little pink gift bags that we didn't get. That doesn't seem fair.
Frankie: Well, at least you got through it.
Brick: Not really. They're making us have a follow-up discussion next week. When does all this sex stuff end?
Frankie: It... tapers off.
Brick: Okay. Well, I guess I'll go look at your bras now. I'm not sure why, but apparently, it's totally normal. And you guys are always after me to be normal, so...
Quote from Brad
Brad: Mr. Heck, how are you?
Mike: Fine. Sue, your friends are here!
Sue: [o.s.] Be out in a minute!
Carly: Brad and I are taking Sue to the mall, but don't worry, we're not gonna spend any money.
Brad: Because things don't make you happy. People do. But if Sue wants a Fro-Yo, I can pay for it with the money I made juggling at the Ren Fair this summer. That's short for "renaissance."
Mike: You don't have to explain everything.
Brad: Oh! I almost forgot. I come bearing gifts. For Brick, some of my favorite hand-me downs. For Mrs. Heck, the Ali MacGraw yoga workout. It's like an antidepressant in a VHS tape. And for you, Mr. Heck, a hug. [hugs Mike]