Frankie Quote #400

Quote from Frankie in Thanksgiving II

Big Mike: The last time we were together on Thanksgiving, your mother was alive. [uncomfortable silence]
Mike: All right. [clears throat] Okay. I'm gonna... I'm gonna... Whew. Okay. I am, uh, gonna get the ball rollin'. And here I go. Uh... Just gonna say it. [clears throat] I love you, Dad.
[Big Mike is silent]
Frankie: And I love you, Mike. And... And I love you, Sue.
Sue: I love you, too, mom.
Frankie: And I love you, Brick.
Brick: Love you, mom.


 ‘Thanksgiving II’ Quotes

Quote from Rusty

Mike: What the hell happened?
Rusty: Huh? Oh. Well, you know how it is with the economy.
Mike: The economy burned down your house?
Rusty: Well, no, that was, uh... That was a massive fire.
Mike: Why didn't you call me?
Rusty: Are you a fireman?
Mike: I'm your brother, for God sake. How'd this happen?
Rusty: Eh, well, I was, uh, runnin' the hot plate about four weeks ago, and I noticed one of the cords was frayed. I kept telling myself, keep your eye on that. But wouldn't you know it? I fell asleep facedown with a cigarette in my mouth. I blame myself partially.

Quote from Rusty

Rusty: [to Aunt Edie] No kidding? You're still driving? Well, that's just terrifying. [both laugh] You know, you're eating butter, by the way.

Quote from Big Mike

Mike: When was I supposed to know this? I only found out 'cause I went by the house to invite you to Thanksgiving.
Big Mike: Oh, no. You don't want an old man with a broken hip at your Thanksgiving.
Mike: That's true, but my wife does. Please, Dad. Please, please, please come to Thanksgiving.
Big Mike: Oh, I don't want to be a bother.
Mike: It's not a choice, Dad. The nurses say you gotta be discharged tomorrow, and they can't let you go home alone. Don't worry. We got TV and crummy food at our house, too.
Big Mike: You don't exactly roll out the red carpet, do you?