Mike Quote #4

Quote from Mike in Pilot

Frankie: Okay, quick, let's hear about everybody's day. Mine sucked. Next.
Sue: Well, ahem, I'm trying to decide what number I should do for my show choir audition.
Axl: Oh, my god.
Sue: What?
Axl: Does it really matter what song you pick? 'Cause there's no way you're gonna make it.
Sue: Mom!
Frankie: Mike.
Mike: Axl. You know, your brother's just trying to say you should just choose whatever you want. Now me, I like a quick song. Quick. Leave 'em wantin' more. [Frankie murmurs agreeably]


 ‘Pilot’ Quotes

Quote from Brick

Brick: You have a meeting with my teacher Monday.
Frankie: What?
Brick: It's imperative that you both be there, she says. [whispers] Imperative!
Mike: Who's he whispering to? Why does he do that? I thought I told you to knock that off.
Brick: I like it. It soothes me.

Quote from Frankie

Frankie: Hello? Hello? Can you hear me? Oh, damn it. Come on! Can you hear me?
Frankie: [v.o.] Some people call this the middle of nowhere... You know, one of those places you fly over on your way from somewhere to somewhere else, but you wouldn't live here.
Airline Steward: Folks, right now we're flying over the great state of Indiana, if you'd like to take a look. [nobody looks]
Frankie: [v.o.] Well, look down next time, and you'll see us down here in the middle... Orson, Indiana, heart of the heartland, proud home of Little Betty Snack Cakes, the demolition derby for the homeless and the world's largest polyurethane cow. So how'd I end up in the middle of the road in this getup?
Frankie: Here? No. Bars! I got bars.
Frankie: [v.o.] Guess it all started a couple of weeks ago, and no, I'm not an actual superhero, not unless you count getting my kids out the door for school every morning.

Quote from Mike

Mrs. Rettig: Well, that may be because you haven't spent much time here in the classroom.
Mike: Are we supposed to? I mean, isn't that the point of school. That between 8:00 and 3:00, he's your problem? If he, you know, eats his napkin at dinner, we don't call you and ask you to come over to our house. [chuckles]