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Quote from Axl in Great Heckspectations

Sue: Okay, I can't say it enough... this is the most wonderful thing you've ever done for me. It's such an amazing feeling to just let go and trust in another human being. And to have that other human being be your brother? You know, I feel like this has brought us even closer, if that's even possible. [walks into a mail box] What is this? [gasps] Are we at an amusement park? Oh, tell me this is a giant teacup!
Axl: No, that would've been good, though.
Sue: Ooh, we're moving again! This is thrilling!
Axl: All right, this next part is gonna be intense, so just have a seat for a moment and catch your breath.
Sue: Ooh, okay. [squeals]
Axl: Stay.
Sue: Okay. Ooh. Oh, what is this? [touches an old frozen yogurt container with a cigarette butt in it] Is this for me? [chuckles] Ooh. Mmm, cookie dough! My third-favorite flavor! How did you know? Here, Axl, want some? [a dog licks the spoon] Okay. Axl, don't hog it all.
Axl: Oh! All right, we don't want to wreck your appetite for what's next.
Sue: Ooh.
Axl: [whispers] What's next?

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