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Quote from Frankie in The Wisdom Teeth

Mike: So, I talked to your third cousin Jean, the paralegal.
Frankie: Oh, yeah? What did you find out?
Mike: It's not good, Frankie. If Marlene came up with the idea and told Rusty, it's something called implied contract. She could sue us.
Frankie: Yeah, but would she really? It's Marlene. She's crazy. She'll probably forget all about it tomorrow.
Mike: Yeah, but what if she doesn't? I sunk every penny we had into this business. Remember that jar of pennies that used to be sitting right here? You know why it's not here now? It's in the business. So, if we ever start seeing some real profits, she could come back at any time and try to claim it. In a month, a year, whenever.
Frankie: But that is so unfair. You're the one that made a working prototype. You made the sales calls. You found a distributor. You made a Twitter. This has been a second job for you. And now she can just come and take it? No, I say we fight this, Mike. We fight this the way we fought that whole healthy snack thing in preschool.

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