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Quote from Frankie in Hecks at a Movie

Frankie: What is the matter with you?! There is a social contract between us! And that social contract says that you have to love, honor, and not do this in front of our friends! I want you to take this hand gesture out of your repertoire of hand gestures!
Mike: You know what? I talked to Ron about it in the men's room, and he didn't think it was a big deal.
Frankie: You talked to Ron? About our marriage? In the men's room?!
Mike: That's right. I talk to people. Not when they're in the middle of a story, but I talk to people.
Frankie: This is a fiasco! Now Ron's gonna tell Nancy and it's gonna be all over the place!
Mike: What are you doing? I got to casually e-mail Nancy about how great our marriage is, and then I'm gonna rip your guts out!
Frankie: Oh, my God! They're back!
Mike: What?
Frankie: The pictures! All our pictures that we lost at Christmas! They're all back! Oh, my God! Every picture from the last seven years! They're all here! Oh! [laughs] Oh!
Mike: Print them out.
Frankie: I will tomorrow.

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