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Quote from Brick in The Bachelor

Brick: If you really think about it, Mom, it's actually a good thing that Blake didn't pick Alissa.
Frankie: Why?
Brick: Remember when she was crying at the spa? She told her facialist that the one thing she wanted more than anything was kids. And Blake made it very clear in the hot tub that he didn't want kids. So... better he broke her heart now than really breaking her heart down the road when she wanted a family and he didn't.
Frankie: [exhales deeply]
Frankie: [v.o.] And just like that, the weight of the world was lifted off me.
Frankie: You know, Brick, you're right. I never thought about it like that.
Brick: For me, it was over when he booted Jessica. But then I got online and saw her meltdown in the confessional, and she is a whackadoodle.
Frankie: Totally.
Brick: Absolutely. Yeah. But my favorite episode has to be the one where they all go scuba diving.
Frankie: I love that one.
Brick: But Kendall thinks that it's snorkeling.

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