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Quote from Mike in Valentine's Day

Frankie: See, it's like he's not even here. Let's just start our night again one more time. Come on. Back to us, all right? Valentine's Day. Let's reclaim the magic. And you owe me one more great marriage moment.
Mike: Okay. Give me a minute. Give me a minute. Uh... Oh, I got one. This is a good one. The time when we... [cell phone rings] Son of a...
Frankie: [answers phone] Hi, honey. Sue.
Sue: Everyone is making out everywhere. And there is beer.
Frankie: Someone brought beer?
Mike: [takes the phone] Who has beer?
Sue: Oh, I don't know. Some guy with pretty hair. And they lit up incense. I'm not sure if it's illegal or not, I'm pretty sure it is. I really wanna come home but everyone's gonna think I'm an immature dork for wanting to leave.
Mike: I'll be right there.
Frankie: [sighs] Oh, my God. You were right. She wasn't ready for this.
Mike: I'm sorry, did you just say I was right and you were wrong? This is my fifth favorite moment.

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