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Quote from Frankie in Sleepless in Orson

Frankie: [v.o.] When you're raising a quirky kid, people tell you not to worry... they'll outgrow it.
Sue: Hey, Mom. Look. They were just gonna throw this guy away at work, and I saved it. Can you believe no one wanted him? I love balloons.
Frankie: [v.o.] And that's not even the kid I was talking about.
Brick: Where are you going?
Frankie: To the fridge. Brick, I got to get this in there. It's Frugal Hoosier milk. It may already be too late.
Brick: Now where are you going?
Frankie: Taking out the trash.
Brick: How long are you gonna be?
Frankie: I don't know. 10 seconds?

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