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Quote from Brick in Heck's Best Thing

Mike: Hey, how's Aunt Edie? Everything okay over there?
Frankie: Ugh, she doesn't remember texting and she doesn't even know where her phone is. Then she gave me a lighter and a gravy boat. I don't know why she would text "help."
Sue: Yeah. It was a weird choice.
Brick: Ugh.
Frankie: Wait. What was I thinking? Should have called the number while I was over there. All right. Maybe she'll hear it and answer.
[Sue coughs loudly as the phone in Brick's pocket starts to ring. Brick throws it in the refrigerator and closes the door.]
Frankie: No. She's not picking up. Forget it. I'm done.
[Brick opens the refrigerator door and grabs the phone and a jar of mayonnaise]
Mike: Did Brick just take a jar of mayonnaise?
Frankie: Whatever. It's Brick. Don't worry about it.

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