Brick Quote #252
Quote from Brick in Heck's Best Thing
Mike: Hey, how's Aunt Edie? Everything okay over there?
Frankie: Ugh, she doesn't remember texting and she doesn't even know where her phone is. Then she gave me a lighter and a gravy boat. I don't know why she would text "help."
Sue: Yeah. It was a weird choice.
Brick: Ugh.
Frankie: Wait. What was I thinking? Should have called the number while I was over there. All right. Maybe she'll hear it and answer.
[Sue coughs loudly as the phone in Brick's pocket starts to ring. Brick throws it in the refrigerator and closes the door.]
Frankie: No. She's not picking up. Forget it. I'm done.
[Brick opens the refrigerator door and grabs the phone and a jar of mayonnaise]
Mike: Did Brick just take a jar of mayonnaise?
Frankie: Whatever. It's Brick. Don't worry about it.
The Middle Quotes
‘Heck's Best Thing’ Quotes
Quote from Frankie
Mike: Now when your mom and I are talking during the interview, no pretending to shoot yourself, or... choke yourself, or kill yourself in any way.
Frankie: Don't lick food off your body.
Mike: Don't call the recruiter "Broski," "Broseph," "Broham"...
Frankie: Don't say "lame" or "uck" or "God."
Axl: I don't believe this. It's like you have no faith in me at all.
Mike: Now you're getting it.
Frankie: And when they ask you why you want to go to college, what are you gonna say?
Axl: Uh, to get away from my lame parents.
Frankie: He just said "lame." Are you even listening?
Quote from Axl
Axl: I think what my parents are trying to say is I'd be lying if at 16 I said I knew what I wanted to study, but you have a great school, and I find if you try your best, you end up doing something you love.
Jack Tracy: Great answer. Honest.
Axl: Now I know my grades are not the best, and I'm really working to improve them so there're more on par, vis-a-vis, my athletics.
Jack Tracy: Oh, I tell you, with an attitude like that, you're gonna have a lot of choices. But hey, this isn't just about me kicking your tires. Do you have any questions for me?
Axl: Actually, I do, Mr. Tracy. What made you decide you wanted to work at East Indiana State?
Jack Tracy: Whoa, all-out blitz. I love it. Most kids just want to know about the parties.
Axl: Oh, I'm gonna get to that. [all laugh]
Quote from Frankie
Frankie: You know, I liked that Jack. My dip was kind of gross, and he still ate it.
Mike: I'll like him more when he gives Axl a free ride. And don't ever make that dip again.
Frankie: What is this? This a pimple? I'm squeezing it, but nothing's happening.
Mike: I don't know. Give it another day.
Frankie: [v.o.] And then I saw a truly horrific sight... the truth. There I was, hunched over like Quasimodo, picking a back zit, wearing a holey t-shirt I pulled out of the dirty clothes. Axl was right. This is not my best. Maybe none of us were bringing our best for each other.
[flashback to Frankie struggling to carry the mail and grocery bags into the house:]
Axl: Whoa. Careful, Mom. You're gonna crush my chips. [Axl and Sue each take an item out of the grocery bags]
[flashback to Brick sneezing while he sits on the couch with Mike and then wiping his nose on his father's shirt]
[flashback to Mike kissing Frankie before he leaves for work:]
Mike: Have a good one. [burps] [kisses Frankie]
Frankie: [v.o.] And that was just Tuesday.