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Quote from Sue in Ovary and Out

Axl: Is it me, or was that weird?
Sue: Yes. I mean, I love that Sean and Lexie went off together, 'cause they're both great.
Axl: Yeah, they're awesome. And it's cool that Lexie was being so nice to Sean, 'cause he's got that squeaky-clean, successful med-school-student thing that most girls are not that into.
Sue: I just hope he wasn't put off by her, 'cause she was so obvious. You order a salad in front of a guy, it's like, "Hello! Please marry me."
Axl: Uh, Sean was the obvious one. "You're so pretty. You look like Snow White." Lame.
Sue: What about Lexie, showing off her Ezekiel Gumford knowledge?
Axl: I just thought Sean had game, but if that's his game, then damn. But, hey, if Lexie liked it, then great. That's great. They're both great. And if they were a couple, they'd be twice as great.
Sue: Oh, duh! My best friend and my neighbor who's like a brother to me... and nothing more... end up together? What could be better than that? I actually now hope it happens. I'm gonna pray on it tonight. Do you weirdly feel like you want to eat a lot of ice cream right now?
Axl: I weirdly do.
Sue: Yeah.

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