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Quote from Axl in Crushed

Axl: Hutch drove our apartment to the engineering building, so I'll be taking my mid-morning nap here. Inside voices please.
Sue: Just- Axl! [groans]
Axl: Oh! Hello. I don't believe we've met.
Sue: No. No, no, no, no, no, no, no. You are not going to date her.
Axl: Relax. I'm not gonna date your roommate. Of course, if I wanted to... it'd be a different story.
Lexie: Oh, really? Do I have a say in this?
Axl: Actually, you don't. If I were to look at you, you'd dive into my eyes and we would be dating.
Sue: Oh, Axl. Get over yourself. [to Lexie] Just to be safe, don't look at him.
Axl: What's with the fancy outfit? You going to some sort of Nerd Ball or something?
Sue: No, I'm just going to class. Not everyone dresses scuzzy like you. Besides, I'm not even that dressed up. Can you hand me my clutch?
Lexie: Yeah. [Axl waves at Lexie]
Sue: You know what? You should study in the library. Come on. Let's go. Go, go, go, go, go, go, go.

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