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Quote from Sue in Food Courting

Sue: Howdy, Edwin. Can I talk to you when you have a second?
Edwin: I've been waiting for you to come to me, Sue. Or should I say "Sue-y"?
Sue: Oh, my God. You know? But we met behind a plant.
Edwin: I've got eyes and ears all over this place. My physics teacher moonlights at Orange Julius.
Sue: [sighs] Okay, I'm sorry, but this is just a really good opportunity for me. I mean, I don't want to leave Spudsy's. I'm happy here. We're a family. And I love all my customers. But the truth is I have to do what's best for me, so I am giving you my two weeks' notice. Is that how much time you're supposed to give? Oh, would a month be better? Oh, God. I don't know what I'm doing!
Edwin: I'm not surprised Chop Suey U.S.A. is trying to poach you. You're a natural-born food server, and I am not gonna give you up without a fight. Mostly because I don't have time to train someone new. The new Mortal Kombat just came out. So, if Chop Suey wants to play hardball, I guess I'm gonna have to play hardball. How does a nickel raise sound?
Sue: An hour?
Edwin: Okay, sure. And I'll even sweeten the deal. From now on, you'll be reporting to work as the assistant manager of condiment distribution.
Sue: [squeaks]

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