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Quote from Frankie in The Wonderful World of Hecks

Brick: I know this isn't gonna be popular, but I'll just throw it out there. I'm regretting my hat choice. If we can just go back...
All: No!
Axl: No more hats! We are going on a ride right after this... Any ride that Sue did not recommend.
Sue: Oh! Like your suggestions are so great, Axl! We all really enjoyed your leaving-the-park ride!
Brick: But I know all the fonts now. It won't take that long.
All: No!
Man: [camera shutter snaps] Sorry. I got to meet my family. I-I tried to get a good one, but you were all screaming at that little boy.
Frankie: What is wrong with this family? Seriously, what is the matter with us? Every other family can figure this out. They can take pictures in front of the castle and agree on rides and laugh and say, "Donny, come sit next to me," all while wearing matching T-Shirts saying, "Makin' memories Thompson-family style." Yeah. Look around! There are thousands of people at Walt Disney World having the time of their lives! Oh, not this sorry group. No, not us. What is wrong with us that we can't figure out how to do that? Oh, our family sucks. We suck!

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