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Quote from Axl in Orlando

Axl: Fine. If you're not willing to give me the reward that's rightfully mine, I will just have to come up with something of equal or greater value. Okay, from now on, I will listen to you provided you address me as "Sir Axl, Duke of Awesomeness."
Frankie: Seriously? That's what you want?
Axl: I can't hear you.
Frankie: That's what you want, Sir Axl, Duke of Awesomeness?
Axl: It is-ith.
Sue: You're really gonna call him that? Why does he always get what he wants? I can't drive, but we all have to call him Sir Axl, Duke of Awesomeness? Well, I am not gonna do that.
Axl: Well, fine, then I'm not talking to you for the rest of the trip.
Frankie: Sir Sxl, Duke of Awesomeness, stop being mean to your sister!
Brick: I don't want Axl to be my dad.
Axl: Well, if Sue gets behind the wheel, I will be! [imitates tires screeching, explosion] Stop it.

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