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Quote from Frankie in War of the Hecks

Frankie: The point is, you could have walked the dog. It's really not that hard.
Mike: Look, I'm not carrying a poop bag for a dog I never signed off on. And I'm not buying your excuses about those fliers. The tape won't stick in this weather? Really?
Frankie: Look, I understand that Colin Firth is causing some disruption in our house. And I will entertain the idea of giving up this dog I love very much. But I think you are a decent person. And as a decent person, you would see that it wouldn't be fair to-- to make me do it unless you really tried, because you're so decent. Because you have a lot of qualities, but decency is the one that really comes across. [sighs] Please, Mike? It would make up for the hostile resting face.
Mike: [groans]
Frankie: Thank you! You give it a shot with the dog for two weeks. Really try, and if you guys don't bond, we'll seriously talk about finding him a different home.

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