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Quote from Tag in From Orson with Love

Tag: So that's why you cut pickles in half.
Mike: Got it. So listen, Tag-
Tag: Now, women's lib-
Mike: Tag, wait. Just- Just... hold up. There's one story in your book that really stayed with me.
Tag: You mean the one about the bathroom stall in Wichita?
Mike: No. No, the one where you had to fire your friend, but you said the best way to do it was just look him in the eye and tell him the truth.
Tag: To be fair, the same thing applies to the stall in Wichita.
Mike: So I'm just gonna do it, Tag. I'm looking you right in the eye and I'm just gonna say it. I can't do this anymore. I can't do any more "Sundays with Tag" at Stuckey's. You ruined Stuckey's for me, Tag. You ruined Stuckey's. You- You ruined lunch, you ruined driving, you ruined coffee, you ruined listening, you ruined talking. It's killing me. You're killing me. [breathes deeply]
Tag: Wow. Well, you're really getting it now, Mike. That's exactly what I'm trying to teach you. Now on to the boudoir... if Frankie is anything like her mother, the bedroom...

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