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Quote from Mike in Valentine's Day IV

Mike: Hey, hey. The text wasn't even meant for Jim. Okay? It was supposed to go to my wife for Valentine's Day.
Chuck: Wait a minute. That's what you texted your wife for V-day? [chuckles] She's your lady. You gotta tell her you love her, man.
Dave: I'm with Chuck. It sounds like you have intimacy issues.
Jim: You do throw up walls, Mike. You should talk to somebody. Our insurance covers half.
Mike: Hey, nobody's throwing up any walls. And for your information, I didn't just send a text. I also took the Christmas tree down to the curb without being asked.
Chuck: Hey, don't be afraid, man. Tonight, when you're on your futon with your lady, you just lay...
Mike: No, no! That's it. Everybody back to work. Let's go. Thanks for your interest.

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