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Quote from Mike in The Map

Mike: 100? Wow. That's pretty cool.
Frankie: No, it's not cool. It's not cool at all, Mike. You're missing the point. She turned 100, and did we have a big cake for her or send her picture to Willard Scott? No. What did we do? Um, let me think. Oh, yeah. Nothing. We are the worst people ever!
Mike: Frankie, you did a ton for Aunt Ginny. Gave her foot rubs, took her to the liquor store. You sucked fluid out of her dog's nose with a dropper, for God sake. You can't beat yourself up about this. She knew how much you loved her.
Frankie: No, no, no. This is about more than just Aunt Ginny. This is what we do. We float everything. We float anniversaries. We float Easter. I can't even remember when we last celebrated your birthday.
Mike: The problem is, you think all those things are important. See, if you're brought up with no expectations, then when you miss it, you're never disappointed.

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