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Quote from Frankie in Forced Family Fun (Part 2)

Nicky: Uh-oh. You're upset. Mike, I made your new wife upset.
Frankie: I'm not upset.
Nicky: Here. Let me make you... An "I'm sorry" s'more. The secret is to shimmy. Don't yank. Shimmy. Taste the difference that the shimmy makes.
Frankie: Thanks, but-
Nicky: You gotta try it. It's good. [feeds Frankie the s'more]
Frankie: Mmm. Yeah. That's tasty. But I'm still kinda full from all the cake. From our wedding... Earlier today.
Nicky: Oh. Hey, I get it. Message received. You don't gotta tell me twice. If there's one thing you can say about Nicky Kohlbrenner, he knows when he's not wanted. He knows it a lot. Okay. There was an order I packed it so it all fit.

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