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Quote from Mike in Forced Family Fun (Part 2)

Nicky: So then the ball's coming right at you, but there's not even enough time to raise your hands, so you bump the ball off your head into the air... Whoosh! Right into the bucket to beat the buzzer. What are the odds?
Mike: I forgot all about that. That was a great game.
Nicky: Yeah.
Mike: Yeah.
Frankie: [yawns] Yeah. Ugh!
Nicky: We make a good team. You hit the shot. I wiped your sweat up off the floor.
Mike: Hey, I never slipped once.]
Nicky: Oh, and then remember you told Tracy that you were too woozy to drive home, 'cause you hit the ball on your head, so you had to go home with her. Ah, you dog.
Frankie: Okay. Mrs. Dog, right here.

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