Eleanor Quote #392

Quote from Eleanor in Patty

Michael: What if we do what I did to you in the original neighborhood? Erase their memory every once in a while? That way, paradise would seem fresh and new.
Chidi: You were doing that to torture us. Actual paradise can't use the same playbook as hell.
Eleanor: Okay, well, I have a solution. Remember what I said to you when you were going through your "midlife crisis, one earring, red convertible" phase?
Michael: "You look so stupid."
Eleanor: After that.
Michael: You said that every human is a little bit sad all the time, because you know you're gonna die. But that knowledge is what gives life meaning.
Eleanor: The way to restore meaning to the people in the Good Place is to let them leave.
Janet: Leave and go where? This is the last... Oh.
Michael: Can we just do that?
Eleanor: You're the head of the Good Place now. Seems to me, you can do whatever you want.


 ‘Patty’ Quotes

Quote from Tahani

Eleanor: Holy fork, that is a soothing chime.
Tahani: It really is the most incredible chime I've ever heard, and that is coming from someone whose godfather is the most famous clock in the world.
Chidi: Is Big Ben somehow your godfather?
Tahani: Mm-hmm.

Quote from Chidi

Chidi: So about this party, is everyone in the Good Place invited? Like, is Aristotle gonna be there?
Janet: Sorry, Chidi, Aristotle's in the Bad Place. He defended slavery.
Chidi: Socrates?
Janet: No, too annoying. Very loud chewer.
Chidi: Plato.
Janet: Slavery again. Oh, you know who is here? Hypatia of Alexandria. Do you know her?
Chidi: Hypatia? [Janet nods] Of Alexandria.
Janet: That's right.
Chidi: Uh, yeah, I know her. [muffled screams] Ooh, Hypatia! I'm gonna ask her so many questions pertaining to the grand ideas about the universe, like: "Why?" Oh, oh, and also... "How?"
Janet: Ooh.

Quote from Tahani

Tahani: We're finally headed to the Good Place. It's the "me" of places! I-I got in, I can say stuff like that again.