Tahani Quote #175

Quote from Tahani in Employee of the Bearimy

Eleanor: Dude, what were you thinking?
Tahani: I just wanted to be useful. All I ever get to do here is throw parties, which is all I ever got to do back on Earth. Now I've ruined everything.
Eleanor: No. You gave us a way out.
Tahani: So I fixed everything.
Eleanor: No, you've made things difficult in a new way, but I can make it work.
Tahani: Well, the important thing is, I did something.
Eleanor: Be quiet and follow my lead.
Tahani: Yes, ma'am.


 ‘Employee of the Bearimy’ Quotes

Quote from Shawn

Shawn: What in the name of Kevin Spacey's self-made Christmas Eve video message to try to get back on House of Cards is going on here?

Quote from John

Tahani: Hello, all! I took the liberty of preparing a few simple snacks.
John: Whew, this place is nice! Did anyone else see that movie The Lake House with Keanu and Sandy B? Oh, I love a movie with gentle magic. Give me a time-traveling mailbox or a mother-daughter body switch, or like, uh, Sarah Michelle Gellar as a chef and her food tastes amazing because she cries in it? [chuckles] I should've been a screenwriter.

Quote from Tahani

Eleanor: All right, babe, it's go time. You ready?
Tahani: Absolutely. I feel very confident with you in charge. In the words of my godfather, acting in what can only be described in hindsight as his most problematic role, "You the man now, dawg!"
Eleanor: As always, thank you for finding the quickest possible way to say things.