Janet Quote #61

Quote from Janet in Leap to Faith

Vicky: Wait, this is a trick. Michael is the traitor. I bet they're still here somehow. This place stretches for 1,000 miles.
Michael: Fine. Bad Janet?
Bad Janet: [appears] What?
Michael: Scan the neighborhood, please.
Bad Janet: No sign of any humans, but I actually did find something for Vicky.
Vicky: What? [Bad Janet farts]
Shawn: Bad Janet, great stuff as always.
Bad Janet: No duh. [disappears]


 ‘Leap to Faith’ Quotes

Quote from Michael

Michael: How did they get Janet's bracelets off? It's literally impossible for a human to do. It's like breathing underwater or driving without texting.

Quote from Jason

Jason: I can't believe Michael betrayed us again. Why is it always the ones you most expect?

Quote from Michael

Shawn: Before tonight's party, I'd love to talk more about your strategy for torturing Tahani. I'm impressed you were able to make her fall in love with Jason. She must be miserable.
Michael: Yeah. Humans make a lot of mistakes when they're horny.