Dorothy Quote #1044

Quote from Dorothy in Sister of the Bride

Dorothy: They can sleep in Ma's room and she'll sleep with me.
Sophia: Oh, Ma doesn't get a say. It doesn't matter what Ma thinks. Ma's a piece of furniture who has no feelings or opinions.
Dorothy: Nonsense, my little hat rack.


 ‘Sister of the Bride’ Quotes

Quote from Dorothy

Clayton: Blanche, we don't have to worry about what the world thinks about our relationship. It just doesn't matter, because we're there for each other. I'd do anything for Doug, and he'd bend over backwards for me.
Dorothy: [covers Sophia's mouth and pulls her close] Sometimes I just love to hug my mommy.

Quote from Sophia

Blanche: It's easier for you to say that, Sophia. It's not your brother who's getting married to a man.
Sophia: Hey, it's not like the guys in my family never kissed a man. Of course, that was business. Although there was that one hit man who always had to have a flower in his lapel and would hold the kiss of death a little longer than he had to.
Blanche: Oh, look, I can accept the fact that he's gay, but why does he have to slip a ring on this guy's finger so the whole world will know?
Sophia: Why did you marry George?
Blanche: We loved each other. We wanted to make a lifetime commitment. Wanted everybody to know.
Sophia: That's what Doug and Clayton want, too. Everyone wants someone to grow old with. And shouldn't everyone have that chance?

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: I think I did a great job covering up how upset I am.
Dorothy: You mean, like how you started sobbing when Clayton asked for more fruit cocktail?
Blanche: I don't really mind Clayton being homosexual. I just don't like him dating men.
Dorothy: You really haven't grasped the concept of this gay thing yet, have you?
Blanche: There must be homosexuals who date women.
Sophia: Yeah. They're called lesbians.