Blanche Quote #1053

Quote from Blanche in The Bloom Is Off the Rose

Rose: What's the problem?
Blanche: Oh, Rex Huntington. That's the problem. It's 10:00, and I've been stood up again. I feel totally unattractive, undesirable and ignored. Oh, Dorothy, you explain it to 'em.


 ‘The Bloom Is Off the Rose’ Quotes

Quote from Rose

Rose: Two hours of learning about thimbles from foreign lands. I couldn't wait to give the headset back.
Dorothy: Look, Rose, have you talked to Miles?
Rose: I think this is just who he is. I don't think I was ever bored for one day when I was with Charlie. He had a theory, "Even a trip to the bank can be exciting if you wear a ski mask."
Dorothy: He would say that often?
Rose: Almost as often as he'd say, "Don't shoot. It's me, Charlie Nylund."

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: You know what the joke going around the teachers' lounge was today, Ma? Me.
Sophia: I know that joke.
Dorothy: Everybody heard on the radio that some anonymous "Ma" was complaining that her dependent daughter Dorothy doesn't have a life of her own.
Sophia: What, you think you're the only gray-haired spinster substitute teacher named Dorothy wasting her life away in Miami?
Rose: I'm sorry, Sophia, but in Dorothy's defense, that sure does sound a lot like her.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: [on the phone] Hello?
Dr. Kelly: [radio] Hi, you're on the air with Dr. Kelly. I need your first name only.
Sophia: My name is Cher.
Dr. Kelly: And your problem, Cher?
Sophia: I have a 55-year-old daughter named Dorothy, Dorothy Zbornak. She's got problems.
Dr. Kelly: First names only, please.
Sophia: I told you, it's Cher.
Dr. Kelly: Zbornak. You said Dorothy Zbornak.
Sophia: Oh, sorry.
Dr. Kelly: So what's wrong with this Dorothy Zbornak?
Sophia: She's still living home, and she's cramping my style.
Dr. Kelly: Have you done anything in a positive direction to encourage separation?
Sophia: When I hear her coming, I hide.