Rose Quote #764

Quote from Rose in Ebb Tide

Sophia: Look at this, look! Here's a couple that's willing to pay $400 a night for a room.
Rose: $400? Back in St. Olaf, the most expensive room was $18.50. And that includes the cow.
Dorothy: All right, Rose. Why would you want a cow in the room?
Rose: It's the law.


 ‘Ebb Tide’ Quotes

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Oh, good. The newspaper's here. Gimme the classifieds.
Dorothy: Oh, Ma, Ma, you're not gonna answer ads in the personals again, are you? We got a lot of complaints last time.
Sophia: Hey, he asked for a single white female who likes to party, and he got one.

Quote from Blanche

Dorothy: Blanche. Your picture's in the paper. And there's a big article about the Citrus Festival.
Blanche: What's it say, what's it say?
Dorothy: "Miami will be busy this weekend with ten major conventions." Listen to this. "The highlight being the Citrus Festival Ball, which is being chaired this year by 35-year-old Blanche Devereaux."
Dorothy: How much did that cost you?
Blanche: I don't have to pay for my compliments.
Dorothy: You went to bed with him?
Blanche: Twice. But it's not like I wouldn't have anyway.

Quote from Sophia

Rose: Oh, it's so good to see you both home. We took good care of your plate, Blanche.
Blanche: Oh, thanks. You know, I became a new person on this trip. I realized that we have so little time while we're here together, we must cherish each and every moment. Now, this plate represents the old me. [throws it on the floor] I feel wonderful. I could go for some cheesecake.
Sophia: [to the heavens] What is this? Sarcasm?