Dorothy Quote #482

Quote from Dorothy in A Visit from Little Sven

Blanche: Well, maybe I made a mistake, but I don't think I did anything so terrible.
Rose: Well, I do! There is a sweet, innocent man whose heart is gonna get broken because you decided to use him in one of your petty games.
Blanche: Rose, that's only one side of it. Look at the other side. He did get to kiss me.
Dorothy: Big deal. More people get to kiss you than the Pope's ring.


 ‘A Visit from Little Sven’ Quotes

Quote from Rose

Rose: Oh, good. I got caught up at work and I barely had time to pick up a cake. I wanted to make Sven feel welcome.
Blanche: Rose, that cake is from the "Get it While it's Hot" erotic bake shop.
Dorothy: Whoa!
Blanche: Why, Rose Nylund! Why, that cake is in the shape...
Dorothy: Blanche, we know what it is.
Rose: I thought it was in the shape of Florida.

Quote from Blanche

Rose: Blanche, you have to go in there and talk to him.
Blanche: I will, I will. It's just that I'm not very good at it. I was blessed with one talent, turning men on. I've just never known how to turn them off. You tell him, Dorothy.
Dorothy: I would, Blanche, but remember, we just want to turn him off, not drain the sex drive completely out of him!

Quote from Rose

Rose: On Saturday he's flying back to St. Olaf to meet his fiancée.
Blanche: Oh, she went all alone?
Rose: No, he's never met her. It's an arranged marriage. See, little Sven's father, we call him Big Sven, left the old country two years ago and settled in St. Olaf. Then he sent for the rest of his family. First he brought his father over. We call him "Big Sven," too.
Blanche: Well, doesn't that get confusing, having two Big Svens?
Rose: There aren't, Blanche. There's Big Sven and Big Sven II. Like Jaws and Jaws II.
Dorothy: Rose, are any of your relatives named Psycho and Psycho II?