Sophia Quote #673

Quote from Sophia in Brotherly Love

Blanche: Sophia.
Sophia: Don't mind me. The best of Carson's coming on.
Blanche: In here?
Sophia: No, Blanche, in Hollywood, but they pipe it through these little wires and it comes out here.
Ted: I really have to say good night now. Thanks for everything.
Sophia: Why? You didn't get everything.


 ‘Brotherly Love’ Quotes

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Floozy.
Blanche: Tramp.
Dorothy: I? [laughing] I am a tramp? Blanche, have you heard the latest ad campaigns? Join the Navy, see the world, sleep with Blanche Devereaux? Join the Army, be all you can be, and sleep with Blanche Devereaux? The Marines are looking for a few good men who have not slept with Blanche Devereaux.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Ted, what a surprise!
Ted: It's great to see you again.
Stan: What about me, babe?
Dorothy: Go hug a landmine.

Quote from Rose

Rose: I can't sleep.
Blanche: Try counting sheep.
Rose: I can't count sheep, I'm allergic to wool. I got to 23 and I broke out in hives. That's when I started counting the members of the Jackson family. Michael, Janet, LaToya, Tito,
Blanche: Rose!
Rose: And then there's Stonewall Jackson but I don't remember him on the Victory Tour.