Sophia Quote #485

Quote from Sophia in Long Day's Journey into Marinara

Sophia: This is no coincidence. Everything I have, you try to steal. May the bags under your eyes grow so large your head falls in 'em.
Angela: May your shampoo get mixed up with your Preparation H and shrink your head to the size of mushroom.


 ‘Long Day's Journey into Marinara’ Quotes

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: May the hair on your lip grow in the opposite direction and get tangled in the hair coming down from your nose.
Angela: May you take a diuretic and not be able to get your pantyhose off.

Quote from Blanche

Blanche: What is happening between Sophia and Angela is not unlike an incident which occurred between my sister Virginia and me when we were in high school. Now, can you believe that one's very own sister could seduce her sibling's boyfriend on the eve of that sibling's senior prom?
Dorothy: Virginia did that to you?
Blanche: No, I did that to Virginia. She deserved it. She borrowed my saddle shoes without asking. Well, what are you looking at? She scuffed those shoes. I hardly left a mark on that boy.

Quote from Rose

Dorothy: Rose, is this another one of those Scandinavian Viking concoctions?
Rose: Yes. It's called gnurchen-frurgen cake. It's an ancient recipe, but I Americanised it.
Dorothy: Yeah, so one might say you brought geflirchen-nirchen into the '80s?
Rose: Yes, but I'm not one to blow my own verturgen-furgen.
Sophia: I can't even reach mine.