Sophia Quote #263

Quote from Sophia in The Way We Met

Blanche: Well, are you ladies considering taking both rooms?
Dorothy: Oh, no. Just me. Mother lives at the Shady Pines Retirement Home.
Blanche: Oh, the Shady Pines. I know the Shady Pines: it's a lovely place.
Sophia: It's a prison. They lock us in our rooms and force us to look like we're having fun. Then they take pictures for their brochure.


 ‘The Way We Met’ Quotes

Quote from Dorothy

Rose: I'll make it up to you, Dorothy, I promise. Listen, if there's ever a night where you can't sleep, I'll come to your room and sing "Kumbaya."
Dorothy: Rose, I don't know what to say. Yes, I do. Don't ever do that.

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: You know, until I met you, Rose, I didn't know that people actually talk back to their Rice Krispies.

Quote from Rose

Rose: This is exactly what happened during the Great Herring War.
Blanche: The Great Herring War?
Rose: Yes. Between the Lindstroms and the Johanssons.
Dorothy: Oh, that Great Herring War!
Rose: The two families controlled the most fertile herring waters off the coast of Norway, so naturally, it seemed like it would be in their best interest to band together. Oh, boy, was that a mistake. You see, they couldn't agree on what to do with the herring.
Dorothy: Oh, well, that's understandable. I mean, the possibilities are overwhelming.
Rose: Exactly. The Johanssons wanted to pickle the herring and the Lindstroms wanted to train them for the circus.
Blanche: Weren't they kind of hard to see, riding on the elephants?
Rose: Oh, not that kind of circus. A herring circus. Sort of like SeaWorld, only smaller. Much, much smaller. But bigger than a flea circus.
Dorothy: Tell me, Rose, um did they ever shoot a herring out of a cannon?
Rose: Only once. But they shot him into a tree. After that, no other herring would do it.
Blanche: You're making this up!
Rose: I am not! My grandfather told me that story. Of course, he also used to call me by my sister's name. And sometimes, he'd wear his underwear on the outside of his pants. I guess he wasn't a very reliable source.