Dorothy Quote #1379

Quote from Dorothy in The Truth Will Out

Blanche: No, I mean, since she's been getting ready for her daughter's visit. I think it has something to do with her will.
Dorothy: She's just excited about seeing her daughter.
Blanche: No, I think it's more than that. You know how she said she was nervous about showing her daughter her will? Well, Dorothy, she ought to be, because wills make people do crazy things!
Dorothy: Like what, Blanche?
Blanche: Like killing people. Do you know what they just uncovered in the Duncan Osgood murder case? That the day before she was murdered, Tippi Paxton Osgood had changed her will, making Duncan the sole heir to the Paxton napkin fortune! That man is guilty!
Blanche: Oh, come on! That's circumstantial evidence. I mean, it's not enough to convict him.
Blanche: Actually, the more damning evidence was a snapshot they found of Duncan dressed in scuba gear, dragging Tippi's body down the stairs, wrapped in a carpet.
Dorothy: Maybe it was from their wedding album.


 ‘The Truth Will Out’ Quotes

Quote from Dorothy

Dorothy: Well, I lied to Stan. I used to tell him how great he was in bed. It was really very difficult, but fortunately, I only had to tell him on his birthday.

Quote from Sophia

Sophia: Are you two coming? The spaghetti is getting cold!
Rose: We'll be there in a minute. We're in the middle of a makeup lesson.
Sophia: I hope the kid can help you. You wear more rouge than Miss Piggy!

Quote from Blanche

Rose: What's the biggest lie you've ever told?
Blanche: I once told my sister Charmaine that she was left on our doorstep by gypsies.
Dorothy: What?
Rose: Well, Blanche, why would you want to do a thing like that?
Blanche: She annoyed me. Always mouthing off about how her hair was curlier than mine, her complexion was prettier than mine. I finally said there was good reason for it, she was left by gypsies! I had her completely convinced!
Rose: What did she say when you told her the truth?
Blanche: Oh, I never did. I even tried to help her find her little old gypsy mama.