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Mary Has a Little Lamb

‘Mary Has a Little Lamb’

Season 5, Episode 13 - Aired January 6, 1990

Dorothy and Sophia try to help a neighborhood teenager who's pregnant. Meanwhile, Blanche tries to avoid an inmate she's been writing after he is released from prison.

Quote from Blanche

Rose: Oh, I thought you were gonna spend the night at Janet's.
Blanche: Well, on the way over there, I got to thinking, is there really any reason for me to be running away from Merrill? [a tied up Sophia nods her head] I mean, the man has paid his debt to society, hasn't he? [Sophia shakes her head] After all, is there any man on earth I can't handle? [Sophia nods]


Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Who did this to you?
Sophia: The Sandinistas.
Rose: [gasps] Why would they do this?
Sophia: Because I knew too much. Merrill did this about an hour ago.

Quote from Sophia

Dorothy: Ma, are you all right? What did Merrill do?
Sophia: He came looking for Blanche. I held out as long as I could.
Dorothy: Oh, my God! How did he make you talk?
Sophia: I think it was the white wine. I finally told him she was Blanche and she didn't want anything to do with him.
Blanche: Well, what did he say?
Sophia: He said he wanted to have something to remember you by. So he took the silver.
Blanche: Oh! At least it's some consolation that he couldn't possibly find the secret place where I hide my jewelry.
Sophia: Oh. Did I mention there was wine and music?

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