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The Downtown Boys

‘The Downtown Boys’

Season 9, Episode 16 - Aired March 16, 2022

Hoping to avoid spending spring break at home with his mother, Adam agrees to look after Erica's apartment downtown while she's on vacation. Meanwhile, Barry wants the JTP to recapture their youth by forming a boy band.

Quote from Barry

Andy: Hey, Bar, can we talk?
Barry: So you can tell me you're replacing me as leader of the JTP?
Naked Rob: Why would we do that?
Barry: 'Cause I tried to make you shimmy for preteens and their moms.
Matt: Well, admittedly, that wasn't great, but the idea behind it was.
Andy: Yeah, you were just trying to lift our spirits.
Naked Rob: And you saw how burdened we were with all the stuff that comes with getting older.
Matt: And you wanted to remind us that no matter what, we're young at heart.
Naked Rob: And you did it because you love us.
Barry: I really do.
Andy: And we love you, too, man.
Matt: And that makes you the best leader the JTP could ever have.
Barry: JTP!
All: JTP!


Quote from Barry

Barry: So, does this mean you might reconsider forming a group?
Matt: We have something else in mind.
Adult Adam: [v.o.] With that, the JTP didn't return to the stage. But they did return to the Wawa.
Teenage Boy: Cheggit. Grampa Munster is back for a rematch.
Barry: [catches fruit] Game on.

Quote from Beverly

Beverly: Hey. I got you a souvenir.
Adam: A Liberty Bell key chain? Really? So I can be constantly reminded that I couldn't hack it in the big city?
Beverly: Adam, next year, you're gonna put your dorm and mail and bike keys on this, and a million other keys that are gonna unlock the whole world.
Adam: That's sweet. But, honestly, I'm not sure I'll survive. I'm gonna have to live in New York on my own.
Beverly: It's gonna be an adjustment. But you'll learn to love it, and you'll never be alone.
Adam: Oh, because I'm gonna have a roommate going through the same things I am?
Beverly: Oh, no! I'll be there constantly. Turns out, I love the city.
Adam: I know. [chuckles] When did that happen?
Beverly: Too late. I never got the chance to live the life you will as a young person. And truthfully, I regret it. And the last thing I would ever want is for you to regret it, too.
Adam: Thanks, Mom.

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